In Savings
Our core values The core values of Equity Savings and Loans Company Limited is encapsulated in the acronym P.A.I.R
Our Staff ensures that any customer who visits the branch is delighted before the customer leaves the branch. The satisfaction and delight of the customer is our passion.
The dignity of all human beings is upheld by staff of Equity Savings and Loans. We do not discriminate against any persons and believe that all must be treated and held in high esteem.
We aspire to be the best or among the top 5 Savings and Loans institutions in the Country. Staff will seek professional development to enhance quality service delivery to the customer.
It is our hall-mark to be honest in all our dealings with all stakeholders. We will uphold fairness in all our transactions with customers.
Our Strong Financial Position
We have a strong and healthy financial status, having received a strong backing from our shareholders to do more than we are doing now. Our capital is over and above the minimum capital requirement of a savings and loans institution. This gives us the ability to do more business as a Savings and Loans Company.
Our clients
We have a wide gamut of clients comprising of operators in the Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to key players within the oil marketing industry. We continue to enjoy a mutually beneficial business relationship with our clients. Indeed, we have been able to assist over one thousand traders and business operators to expand their businesses. Even though providing credit to our clients is one of the key elements of our business, we also mobilize savings from them. This has helped clients make savings they usually would not have been able to do on their own
Apart from that, we mobilize Term/Fixed Deposits from our relatively big clients, most of whom own big businesses. We pay them interests that are over and above the prevailing Treasury Bill rates. We negotiate interest rates for large deposits. We have always been highly competitive; an attribute which makes it attractive for investment clients to continuously roll-over their investments. Investing in our exciting products means hedging against inflation.
Business Employers & Employees
Private Entities
Tertiary Students